Scope 3

In addition to our Business Certification product, which mostly measures Scopes 1 & 2, a Scope 3 Footprint Calculation offers a detailed view of an organisation’s emissions for their entire value chain

What is Scope 3?

Calculating Scope 3 emissions is no longer seen as something only leading companies do, it is now a mainstream requirement of channel partners and investors across many sectors, and often accounts for a significant proportion of an organisation’s total footprint. 

Up to 90% of an organisation’s carbon emission can sit in scope 3.  It is therefore imperative to measure scope 3 in its entirety in order to get an accurate understanding of how and where to start reducing.

What are the differences between Scopes 1, 2 and 3?

Operational company emissions can be categorised into three scopes – Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3. Their main differences are the sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that they cover.

  • Scope 1 emissions are the direct GHG emissions from operations due to owned or controlled site and vehicle fuel consumption.
  • Scope 2 emissions are the indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased electricity and steam, and are produced outside a company’s direct control
  • Scope 3 includes all other indirect sources of GHG emissions that are within a company’s value chain, such as employee commuting, waste generated by the company’s operation, production and transportation of raw materials and the use and disposal of products and services by customers. Scope 3 emissions often represent the greatest proportion of a company’s carbon footprint, and sometimes up to 90% of total emissions. 

Business Benefits

For most companies, much of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and cost reduction opportunities lie outside their own operations.

By measuring Scope 3 emissions, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of their carbon footprint, enabling many opportunities for radical decarbonization as well as enhanced commercial resilience.

  • Supply chain transparency
    Assessing where the emissions hotspots are in the supply chain, to understand which elements and suppliers would benefit the most from emission reduction opportunities.
  • Drive energy efficiency and cost reduction opportunities 
    Analysing supply chains using a non financial lens, can help organisations identify consolidation opportunities and operational efficiencies.
  • Engage suppliers and assist them to implement sustainability initiatives
    Deepen relationships, enable data sharing and enhance collaborative progressive partnerships as you drive mutually beneficial emission reduction strategies across entire value chains. 
  • Risk Mitigation
    Enabling businesses to identify and mitigate risks associated with climate change including disruptions to supply chain, regulatory changes or reputational risks.

    An organisation can be considered net zero once it has reduced emissions across all three scopes by at least 90% of the baseline.
  • Scope 3 following Planet Mark Certification
    Planet Mark certification is used as a starting point for companies to measure their carbon footprint. It covers Scope 1, Scope 2, and elements of scope 3 (purchased goods and services (paper only), fuel and energy related activities (transport & distribution emissions of electricity and water), waste, and business travel).  

Following the completion of the Planet Mark Business Certification, companies can get a better understanding of the carbon emissions associated with their entire value chain by measuring all material Scope 3 emissions.

We can help with Scope 3 screening in order to identify the categories that are most material in your organisation, then conduct the carbon footprint measurement and support emission reduction strategies.

Scope 3 following
Planet Mark Certification

Scope 3 measurement following Planet Mark Business Certification
Planet Mark Business Certification is used as a starting point for companies to measure their carbon emissions that are easily under organisational control. It covers Scope 1, Scope 2, and elements of Scope 3 (Business Travel, Waste, Water, Paper, Transmission and Distribution losses).

How we can help?

Whether you’re a small, medium or large business – our team of independent experts can help you measure your scope 3 emissions so you can begin to identify where to focus your reduction efforts – this is crucial to a robust decarbonisation strategy.

Achieving net zero carbon emissions requires a comprehensive and sustained effort from businesses, and it is essential for mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Talk to an expert today and find out how you can start measuring your Scope 3 emissions.

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UK Net Zero Business Census Report – Key Findings & Recommendations

Wednesday 18th September 2024, 12:00pm - 1:00pm