As part of our UK wide Zero Carbon Tour, we are gathering Carbon Stories and examples of the phenomenal work businesses and communities are undergoing to tackle the climate crisis, to build a brighter future for all, and reach net zero targets.
Linked to this, we are proudly working with Carbon Copy, to publish these stories on their platform, further raising the profile of initiatives and helping people find out what’s happening in their local area. Carbon Copy is a UK charity, inspiring big-thinking local action on the climate crisis.
The Carbon Copy platform is proven and purpose-built for local areas. The sharing of stories is designed to be inclusive for communities, companies and councils to share and inspire. The self-publishing set-up is free to use, open access, non-commercial and has geographical focus by Local Authority areas, making it easy to find initiatives in your vicinity, as well as reading about initiatives across the UK. The Carbon Stories are integrated with Local Authorities’ emission data and local Climate Action Plans, which further elevates your story. Along with this, the platform has built-in discussion forums tied to each Carbon Story.
Sharing your Carbon Story is a fantastic way to raise your profile and the stories and examples shared will allow others to see what they can implement in their businesses and communities. As a collective, we have the power to make a difference and truly play a part in the transition to a decarbonised future.
How can you submit your Carbon Story?
At every stop on the Tour we are inviting speakers, attendees and the wider community to submit a story. We have also encouraged our members to share their stories of local climate initiatives.
Carbon Copy have provided a form for all stories to ensure all bases are covered and practical examples can be shared.
Please complete this form and submit your story to If you would like support in writing the story, our team of copywriters would be delighted to help you with this, just drop us a note on the same email address.
What should you include in your Carbon Story?
Your Carbon Story can be:
- A project, social enterprise, joint venture (not an idea or plan)
- Worked on collaboratively (led by a group or an organisation)
- In pilot stage or fully implemented
- Big or small
- Of limited duration or open-ended timeframe
- Something that is (or could be) transformative
- Place-based, with a focus in the UK
What Carbon Stories should not be:
- Proprietary and cannot be copied
- Main beneficiaries are not local
- Done in isolation or in-house
- Greenwashing (e.g. oil & gas)
- Creates secondary emissions or ecological harm (e.g. imported biomass)
- Socially exclusive or divisive
Start now, submit your Carbon Story
In the words of Carbon Copy from their website “Things that will be normal in the future already exist in some places today. A better world for all is in reach if we replicate these initiatives everywhere.”
So, by sharing your story, you not only bring awareness of your initiatives, which has a positive impact on your brand, but you help everyone locally, nationally and even globally to join the movement for change, in this crucial Decade of Action.
Please complete this form and submit your story to